Instructions for Posters Preparation and Display
The authors of the accepted papers will prepare posters, which will be displayed and presented during the conference.
Poster size - A0 (70 cm x 100 cm)
Poster contents (Possible structure)
- Title: [Maximum length: 1-2 lines.
- Introduction: [Maximum length: approximately 200 words.]
- Materials and methods: [Maximum length: approximately 200 words.]
- Results: [Maximum length: approximately 800 words.]
- Conclusions: [Maximum length: approximately 200 words.]
- References: [Maximum length: approximately 10 entries.]
- Acknowledgments: [Maximum length: approximately 40 words.]
- Further information: [Maximum length: approximately 20 words.]
Please, ensure that your poster is readable from about 2-3 meters distance.
The posters will be presented in an interactive poster session. The authors will be asked to discuss their findings in small groups during the poster session and to answer attendees’ questions.