Abstract submission
Abstracts might focus any of the areas listed in the section “topics”.
The abstracts can be one-page long (200-500 words). The abstract should include, in general: Problem Statement, Purpose of Study, Methods, Findings and Results, and Conclusions and Recommendations (These elements may need some adaptation in the case of discussion papers: Background, Purpose of Study, Sources of Evidence, Main Argument, and Conclusions). Please note that some elements are optional in the abstracts.
All abstracts must be submitted in English.
Due to the large number of papers expected for this conference, the committee only allows an author to present maximum two papers.
Abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in your text. Example: HEA (Higher Education Area), before being used as an abbreviation only. Please, do not define or use abbreviations in the title.
The selection panel of the conference committee will consider all paper abstracts received by the submission deadline to ensure that the proposed paper is relevant to the Conference.
The deadline for abstract submission is 20th of October, 2010 (included).
The Notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts submitted will be sent to you via e-mail by 30th of October, 2010.
Please submit your abstract as attachment (TKS11_abs_Name.doc) by e-mail at the following address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Abstract template guidelines
Title; Time New Roman (TNR) 18 Bold, Centered, 36 pts Before, 18 pts After;
Surname(s) and Name(s) of the author(s); TNR 14 Normal Centered, 18 pts after;
Author(s) affiliation; TNR 10 Normal, Left;
E-mail and phone number of the contact author; TNR 10 Normal, Left;
word Abstract; TNR 14 Bold, Left, 30 pts Before, 11 pts After;
Abstract contents (between 200 and 500 words); Left – Right TNR 10, 11 pts after